“The Right Plant…For the Right Place”
This simple statement demonstrates our commitment to customer relations. The Good Earth Works Nursery takes a personal approach to assess your landscape needs. We stress attention to detail when considering your site conditions to ensure proper plant selection.
- GEW Nursery offers a colorful SELECTION of northern-grown trees, shrubs, perennials, and ornamental grasses chosen for our area
- GEW Nursery offers professional horticultural SERVICE to facilitate customers in making confident landscape decisions.
- GEW Nursery offers VALUE!!! We welcome you to visit. Get to know us, we would like to know you.
Come visit our nursery and experience our personal approach in providing landscape solutions.
Bulk Items
GEW Nursery also offers landscape mulches and amendments in bulk, for pickup or delivery. Bulk items include: washed gravel, limestone (tan), and scoria (red), shredded cedar bark, medium bark nuggets, and amended topsoil.
Planting Service
GEW Nursery offers planting service, especially convenient for the larger Balled & Burlap stock. Fees are based upon the price of the tree, with a minimum charge of $75. Extra delivery fees are dependent on your location. Call for details.
Retaining Wall Block
We offer textured concrete retaining wall block for large and small walls.

Hardy Hibiscus
Hardy Hibiscus is slow to emerge in cold springs or early summers, so be patient. Hardy Hibiscus does best in full sun. They will grow in partial shade, but growth and flowering will suffer. If you live in areas with very hot summers, during the hottest part of the day, Hibiscus may need shade.

Blizzard Mockorange
Philadelphus lewisii 'Blizzard' is a Canadian selection of our northwest native Mock orange that is said to be more winter hardy and more free flowering than the species. Some say it is also more compact but it has attained six feet in our garden. It is densely shrubby in habit with attractive red brown new stems.
Sensation Lilac
Highly popular, award-winning Syringa vulgaris 'Sensation' (Lilac) is an upright, deciduous shrub noted for its unusual bicolor flowers. Sweetly scented, they form large, pyramidal panicles of purplish red florets adorned with white edges. ... Tolerates light shade, but the best flower production occurs in full sun.

Limelight Hydrangea
Limelight Hydrangea is an award winning shrub by Proven Winners®. ... The Limelight hydrangea is a type of Panicle Hydrangea. The Limelight Hydrangea flowers will start off lime green color, which is a perfect accent for hot summer days. As the blooms age, they turn to hues of cream, pink, red and burgundy.

Tiger Eye Sumac
TIGER EYES is a dwarf, golden-leaved, staghorn sumac cultivar that typically matures to only 6' tall and as wide. It was discovered in a cultivated nursery setting in July of 1985 as a whole plant mutation of R. typhina 'Laciniata'.

Newport Plum
The Newport plum is a small, ornamental tree that grows 15-20 feet (4.5-6 m.) tall and wide. They are hardy in zones 4-9. This plum's popular attributes are its light pink to white flowers in spring and its deep purple colored foliage throughout the spring, summer and fall. ... diameter plum fruits.

El Desperado Daylily
The Daylily 'El Desperado', Hemerocallis 'El Desperado' (Stamile, '91), has large, mustard yellow flowers with a bold and contrasting purple eye above a green throat with green foliage. 'El Desperado' is a popular Daylily among Daylily lovers! ... It will bloom early in the season and then repeat bloom late in the season.

Hanging Basket from Special K Ranch
Special K Ranch - A Place to Call Home!
Special K Ranch provides family-oriented, Christian homes on a working ranch for adults with developmental disabilities. Although unaffiliated, the Ranch has a strong Christian emphasis in philosophy and practice.
Contributions are received from community service clubs, churches, individuals, and private and corporate foundations. It is the goal of the Ranch to become as self-sufficient as possible through income from ranch production, i.e., livestock, greenhouse and nursery, and garden produce sales.
Special K Ranch is located on 230 acres, 10 miles west of Park City and eight miles east of Columbus, Montana. The property is bordered on the north by Interstate 90 and on the south by the Yellowstone River. It is accessible by taking the frontage road from either Park City or Columbus.
The Ranch serves both men and women, ages 18 and older. The program is designed to serve people who may need to live within a supportive community for the entirety of their lives. It is not designed to accommodate those individuals exhibiting extreme behavior, emotional disturbances, or criminal delinquency. Residents to be admitted must have the ability to manage primary self-help skills and to communicate basic needs.
Stargazer Lily
Lilium 'Stargazer' (the 'Stargazer lily') is a hybrid lily of the 'Oriental group'. Oriental lilies are known for their fragrant perfume, blooming mid-to-late summer. Stargazers are easy to grow and do best in full sunlight.

Spring Snow Crabapple
'Spring Snow' is a dense, upright, white-flowered crabapple that typically matures over time to 20-25' tall by 15-20' wide. This is a fruitless crabapple. Single, fragrant, white flowers bloom in spring (April in St. ... 'Spring Snow' was discovered growing in Parkside, Saskatchewan in 1963.

Canada Red Chokecherry
Canada Red Chokecherry is a small to medium-sized tree with deep purple leaves that will bring a splash of color to your landscape. ... They'll soon turn a rich burgundy-purple. In spring, this fast-growing tree is smothered in delightfully fragrant white flowers in clusters shaped like chili peppers.

Miss Kim Lilac
This upright, compact lilac blooms later than others, extending the season with deep purple buds that reveal clusters of highly fragrant, lavender-blue flowers. Foliage is burgundy-tinged in fall. Hardy, yet performs in southern regions, with excellent powdery mildew resistance.

Goldsturm Rudbeckia
Perennial Plant Association's Plant of the Year 1999. Dazzling mounds of yellow flowers with a deep brown center. Rudbeckia Goldsturm is very long blooming. It is unbothered by insects or drought. A group of Rudbeckia Goldsturm is a must in every garden!

Sugar Maple
Acer saccharum, the sugar maple or rock maple, is a species of flowering plant in the soapberry ... The sugar maple is one of the most important Canadian trees, being, with the black maple, the major source of sap for making maple syrup.