Plant Selection
We carry a wide variety of plants in our nursery, including trees, roses, ornamental grasses, perennials, shrubs, evergreens, fruit trees, and ornamental trees.

- Flame Amur Maple
- Sensation Maple
- Crimson Sentry Maple
- Emerald Lustre Norway Maple
- Royal Red Maple
- Fall Fiesta Sugar Maple
- Hot Wings Maple
- Autumn Blaze Maple
- Sienna Glen Maple
- Autumn Splendor Horsechestnut
- Autumn Brilliance Serviceberry
- Heritage River Birch Clump
- Prairie Dream Birch
- Dakota Pinnacle Birch
- Northern Catalpa
- Hackberry
- American Yellowwood
- Turkish Filbert
- Patmore Ash
- Autumn Purple Ash
- Autumn Gold Gingko
- Northern Acclaim Honeylocust
- Prairie Silk Honeylocust
- Skyline Honeylocust
- Street Keeper Honeylocust
- Kentucky Coffee Tree
- American Hop Hornbeam
- Dakota Cottonwood
- Swedish Aspen
- Quaking Aspen Clump
- Canada Red Chokecherry
- Burr Oak
- Heritage Oak
- Prairie Stature Oak
- Regal Prince Oak
- Showy Mountain Ash
- Boulevard Linden
- American Sentry Linden
- Redmond American Linden
- Greenspire Linden
- Harvest Gold Linden
- Prairie Expedition Elm
- Accolade Elm

Ornamental Grasses
Short 0-3'
- Little Bluestem (Schizachyrium scoparium)
- Prairie Dropseed (Sporobolus heterolepis)
- Tufted Hair Grass (Deschampsia cespitosa)
- Blue Gramma (Bouteloua gracilis)
- Northern Sea Oats (Chasmantium latifolium) *shade-lover
- 'Little Zebra' Maiden Grass (Miscanthus sinensis)
- 'Little Miss' Maiden Grass (Miscanthus sinensis)
- Blue Oat Grass (Helictotrichon sempervirens)
- 'Hameln' Dwarf Fountain Grass (Pennisetum alopecuroides)
- 'Elijah Blue' Blue Fescue (Festuca glauca)
- Japanese Forest Grass (Hakonechloa macra) *shade-lover
Tall 4-8'
- Big Bluestem (Andropogon gerardii)
- 'Karl Foerster' Feather Reed Grass (Calamagrostis x acutifolia)
- 'Overdam' Feather Reed Grass (Calamagrostis x acutifolia)
- Flame Grass (Miscanthus sinensis purpurascens)
- 'Huron Sunrise' Maiden Grass (Miscanthus sinensis)
- Switch Grass (Panicum virgatum)
- Indian Steel Indian Grass (Sorghastrum nutans)

Ornamental Trees
Selected for showy blossoms, bright berries, colorful samaras, and smaller size.
- Autumn Brilliance Serviceberry
- Hot Wings Maple
- Sutherland Caragana
- Thornless Cockspur Hawthorne
- Russian Hawthorne
- Indian Magic Crabapple
- Rudolph Crabapple
- Gladiator Crabapple
- Starlite Crabapple
- Klehm’s Bechtel Crabapple
- Perfect Purple Crabapple
- Canada Red Chokecherry
- Princess Kay Flowering Plum
- Mountain Frost Pear
- Showy Mountain Ash
- Japanese Tree Lilac
Patio Trees
- Weeping Caragana
- Hydrangea Tree
- Sparkling Sprite Crabapple
- Diabolo Ninebark Tree-form
- Dwarf Korean Lilac Tree-form
Landscape and Shrub Roses
Short 1-3'
- Morden Fireglow
- Morden Sunrise
- Morden Blush
- Snow Pavement
- Nearly Wild
- Sunrise Sunset
- Winnipeg Parks
- Red Meidiland
- Carefree Sunshine
Large 4-7'
- Morden Centennial
- Rugosa
- John Cabot
- William Baffin *climber
- Above and Beyond *climber

We can help you pick a selection for a variety of growing conditions and all-season interest.
- Yarrow
- Astilbe
- Goatsbeard
- Columbine
- Aster
- Brunnera
- Baptisia
- Coreopsis
- Bleeding Heart
- Delphinium
- Coneflower
- Joe Pye Weed
- Ferns
- Blanket Flower
- Lydia Broom
- Perennial Geranium
- Lenten Rose
- Heuchera
- Hosta
- False Sunflower
- Daylilies
- Hardy Hibiscus
- Iris
- Lavender
- Shasta Daisy
- Liatris
- Asiatic Lily
- Lupine
- Maltese Cross
- Bee Balm
- Catmint
- Itoh Peony
- Peony
- Poppy
- Beardtongue
- Russian Sage
- Garden Phlox
- Groundcover Phlox
- Black-Eyed Susan
- Salvia
- Sedum
- Thyme
- Veronica
- Yucca
- Clematis
- Honeysuckle
- Hops
- Virginia Creeper
- Wisteria
- Grape

We offer a wide variety of shrubs that will grow well in the greater Billings area. From shade to sun, desert to rural to urban conditions, we've got you covered.
- Aronia
- Barberry
- Potentilla
- Spirea
- Dogwood
- Ninebark
- Burning Bush
- Viburnum
- Smooth Hydrangea & Panicle Hydrangea
- Lilac
- Forsythia
- Western Sandcherry
- Serviceberry
- Chokeberry
- Chokecherry
- Currants
- Sumac
- Caragana
- Rabbitbrush
- Smokebush
- Cotoneaster
- Silverberry
- Mockorange
- Fern Leaf Buckthorn
- Fine Line Buckthorn
- Pussy Willow
- Dwarf Arctic Willow
- Elderberry
- Buffaloberry
- Snowberry
- Weigela

Evergreens & Conifers
0-3' Tall
- Montana Common Juniper
- Blue Chip Juniper
- Prince of Wales Juniper
- Hughes Juniper
- Blue Rug Juniper
- Buffalo Juniper
- Calgary Carpet Juniper
- Mesa Verde Spruce
- Schoodic Pine
- Hetz Midget Arborvitae
3-6' Tall
- Common Juniper
- Sea Green Juniper
- Bird's Nest Spruce
- Waldbrunn Miniature Colorado Blue Spruce
- Dwarf Norway Spruce
- Dwarf Alberta Spruce
- Dwarf Globe Blue Spruce
- Slowmound Mugo Pine
- Hillside Creeper Pine
- Taunton Spreading Yew
- Little Giant Arborvitae
10-25' Tall
- Cologreen Juniper
- Wichita Blue Juniper
- Blue Arrow Juniper
- Skyrocket Juniper
- Medora Juniper
- Emerald Feather Juniper
- Spartan Juniper
- Columnar Norway Spruce
- Blue Totem Spruce
- Weeping Norway Spruce
- Fat Albert Colorado Blue Spruce
- Montgomery Spruce
- Mugo or Mountain Pine
30-45' Tall
- Rocky Mountain Juniper
- Black Hills Spruce
- Scotch Pine
50'+ Tall
- Siberian or Western Larch
- Norway Spruce
- Colorado Blue Spruce
- Austrian Pine
- Ponderosa Pine
- Meyer's Spruce

Fruit Trees
- Kerr Apple-crab *best apple pollinator
- MacIntosh Apple
- Honeycrisp Apple
- Goodland Apple
- Haral-Red Apple
- Sweet Sixteen Apple
- Evan's Bali Cherry
- Sweet Cherry Pie Cherry
- Mesabi Cherry
- Chinese Apricot
- Contender Peach
- Mt. Royal Plum *self-fertile
- Pembina Plum
- Superior Plum
- Pipestone Plum
- Toka Plum
- Golden Spice Pear
- Early Gold Pear
- Luscious Pear
- Parker Pear
- Patten Pear