Meet the Nursery Sales Team

Lisa Norby

Lisa has over 30 years experience in nursery retail sales. She specializes in the utilization of perennials in the landscape. Lisa is a Certified Plant Professional.

Claire Johnson

Claire has over 30 years of experience in nursery retail sales. She specializes in creating unique landscapes for all situations. Claire is a Certified Plant Professional.

Mady Johnson

Mady has over 10 years of experience in the plant world. She had an interest in native and xeriscape plants. Mady is a Certified Plant Professional.

Darrin Spooner – Owner

Darrin has over 20 years experience in the landscaping industry. Prior to starting the Good Earth Works Co., he was a manager for a vending company, where he gained 20 years of experience in working with employees and the customers. He is a graduate of Billings Senior High School.